Offene Aufgaben im Englisch-Unterricht

Offene Aufgaben sind begabungs- und begabtenfördernd, weil sie ...

  • ein Spektrum an Aufgabenstellungen und Lösungsmöglichkeiten bieten,
  • kreatives, selbstständiges und selbstorganisiertes Denken trainieren,
  • problemlösungsorientiert formuliert sind und
  • eine komplexe Herausforderung an die Lernenden darstelle

In an English project students of class 6M had to create their own sustainable island and produce a brochure or podcast and then present their ideas in class.


Imagine the following situation: Real estate developers have hired you to create a new island. Your island needs to have its own economy and infrastructure. You will also have to show the inhabitants how they will be able to make a living. Your main goal is environmental friendliness.

The students were very creative and the presentations in class were amazing. Here are some pictures of brochures:
